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Let’s face it, there is nothing funny about sexual abuse – I should end this post at this point but allow me to explain myself just a little bit.
I was scrolling through my Twitter timeline on Wednesday evening when I came across this trending topic “Mollis”….I did not understand what it was about but I could gather it was about a sex tape of some sorts – I did not clearly understand of what sort till today when I decided to look for the said audio tape after I saw a female friend post something about it on Facebook.
That was the longest 3 minutes and 8 seconds of my life…and I f I was just listening to the audio and feeling that bad I wonder how the woman in the clip was feeling.
I am really angry that nobody is actually seeing this as sexual abuse – I get it, the whole thing might have started as a consensual encounter but If I heard right the lady in the clip did say STOP – not once, not twice – in fact at some point her saying “Mollis (Maurice) Stop, I sulender (I surrender)” almost becomes like a song in the entire clip.
A few weeks a go we were furious when a foreigner sexually abused a young Kenyan girl before choking her to death and I cant help but wonder what a hypocritical society we have become when the same people decide to use the same medium to celebrate a rapist.
I raised this point on Facebook and this is what a female friend said:
” We sometimes say gerrarahia when we mean don’t dare move! Rape? She’d be crying and screaming, being gagged, slapped to calm down etc. She’s enjoying it thoroughly! My take”
I still can not wrap my head around that comment – not sure whether it’s because it’s coming from another woman or just because it is just “unfortunate.”
Does a woman have the right to say STOP in the middle of sex?
When a woman says STOP does it mean “I am having fun continue?”
When does consensual sex turn into rape?
What if this degenerated to a situation where the woman died – we all know the other video I mentioned earlier probably just started this way and an idiot could not stop at some point and ended up taking the whole thing completely out of hand and it’s stopped being fun anymore.
If you read a tweet from me yesterday evening, I asked why Durex (which is known for jumping on crazy TTs) had not jumped onto this one yet – I realize I got my answer, there was nothing funny about this sad scenario.
But the likes of Zuku thought otherwise – my stomach turned when I saw this:

To the mediocre mind ( and let’s face is most of us are mediocre), “Mollis” is some form of a “bedroom king”…we will be celebrating his prowess for a few more days to come.
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