Comments on: Just why are Kenyans not registering to vote? Your Daily Brands Insight Tue, 04 Dec 2012 13:54:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dariusz Garwoliński Tue, 04 Dec 2012 13:54:45 +0000 We had a similar situation in Poland. After we fight the comunism, we were so happy that now everythin is going to be just good. Now over 20 years after i can tell You that none of governments thru those years never kept a promisses, nowadays 2 fpolitical fraction based on people who won with comunism 20 years ago fight against eachoter which of them is more Polish, and whose Poland is better, so finnally people stop beliving in sense of voting for, yes We Polish are voting against usually.
Now after i read this decent article about Your country (wich i am interested) it makes me feeling that this song sounds over and over again in Your hearts,That its time to think !!! but no people running this world… Money does… I wish You Kenyan all the best 🙂 God bless You
Dariusz Garwolinski
